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  • 07:33, 20 May 2024Martinus' work (hist | edit) ‎[746 bytes]Lasse (talk | contribs) (Created page with " You can find the translated work of Martinus at the [ Martinus Institute homepage]. The translated books are: * Livets Bog 1 * Livets Bog 2 * Livets Bog 3 * Livets Bog 4 * Livets Bog 5 * The Eternal World Picture 1 * The Eternal World Picture 2 * The Eternal World Picture 3 * The Eternal World Picture 4 Shorter books: * 1. The Fate of Mankind, * 2. Easter * 4. On the Birth of My Mission * 5. The Ideal Food * 10. Cosmic Conscious...")
  • 06:15, 10 April 2024Martinus (hist | edit) ‎[30 bytes]Lasse (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The first page on the wiki :-)")